How to Run a Private Instance

 > Private Instance > How to Run a Private Instance


You can run a Private Instance of Viur quite easily on your own servers on the cloud or on-premises.


You will need an environment that can run Docker containers.


Note Contact us to obtain a LICENSE and access to our private docker repository.

Set up your server to run Viur:


1º Download and Configure:


Note Right click the name of the files and choose Save link As to download them:




Add your provided LICENSE here:

viur.license = ""


For Viur to be able to send emails for password recovery, reports, and alerts it is necessary to set an Email Server:

# Email Server Configuration
play.mailer { 

  # Email Server Host
  host =

  # Email Server Port
  port = 587

  # Connect to Server using TLS? (Recommended)
  tls = true

  # Email Server Account parameters
  user = "[email protected]"
  password = "password"

  # Email Address to be included in the Form field
  from = "[email protected]"


Optional: To be able to connect Viur to Facebook Insights and Google Services (such as Google Analytics, Google Drive, Google File Picker and Google Sheets), you need to obtain and insert your respective App credentials:


You can find some useful information at Facebook and Google. Feel free to reach out for support.

# Services Configuration
services {

  google {
    client_id = ""
    client_secret = ""
    app_id = ""
    api_key = ""

  facebook {
    client_id = ""
    client_secret = ""




Optional: You can change the External Port so the solution is binded on a different port on the server.

      - "80:9000"

Warning The second Port (9000) is the solution Internal Port and should not be changed.


Optional: Configure the domain of the Environment so the URLs generated by Viur are correct:

      HOST: http://localhost:9000


2º Run the instance:


Open your Command Prompt or Terminal as an Admin or a user that has permissions over Docker:


  • Navigate to where the two files (viur.conf & docker-compose.yml) are located.

Docker 1


  • Login into the Viur private repository with the following command:

    docker login
  • Insert your repository access credentials.

Docker 2


  • Start the Viur container and dependencies with the following command:
    docker-compose up

Docker 3


If you see these logs:

[info] application - Viur has started
[info] play.api.Play - Application started (Prod)
[info] p.c.s.NettyServer - Listening for HTTP on /

It means Viur Private Instance is up and running.

In a browser go to the URL: http://localhost:9000/ to login into Viur.


Important Note
The URL should be the Server IP (or domain name) and the port the one set as external port in the configuration file "docker-compose.yml".


Use these Default Login Credentials:


  • E-mail: (your Email that is associated with your LICENSE, when it was given to you)
  • Password: admin

For security reasons we recommend that you change your Password immediately after your first login.

For more complex setup scenarios (such as putting the solution behind a proxy, apply a TLS certificate, use a load balancer, etc) please contact us so our team can help you.

Additional Docker Commands

  You can run it in background with:

docker-compose up &

  You can stop the instance with:

docker-compose down

  You can stop the instance and remove all data volumes with:

docker-compose down -v

Tip Check Docker documentation for more commands.

Still need help? Get in touch!
Last updated on 9th Dec 2023