Creating Dashboards

 > Dashboards > Creating Dashboards

The Dashboard is the interface to your data, it's where all your metrics and charts are going to be.

To create Dashboards click the New Dashboard, while on the Dashboards Menu.

New Dashboard


A new window will appear where you can define the basic configurations:

  • Name: Name of the dashboard.
  • Refresh rate: Define the time the dashboard takes to update its information.
  • Number of columns in the dashboard grid: Set the number of columns you have per row, it affects the size of the Widgets.
  • Stacking: Forces the Widgets to be automatically stacked to the top if there is vertical free space between Widgets.

Dashboard Options 3


You can also check these links as they contain information and tips for created Dashboards.

Tip Check the entire list of configuration and navigation options here.
You can see how to manage dashboards here.

Still need help? Get in touch!
Last updated on 9th Dec 2023